Can You Use Dish Soap to Wash Your Car?

Are you wondering whether you can use your dish soap to wash your brand new car? It might seem like a good idea but there are a few things to keep in mind before using dish soap on your car.

So, can you use dish soap to wash your car? Well, while you can technically use dish soap to wash your car, it is not the best option. Although it can remove some of the dirt and grime from your car, it can also strip away the wax and protective coatings. This can leave your car’s paint vulnerable to UV damage, scratches, and other wear and tear.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at whether you can use dish soap to wash your car or not.

Can You Use Dish Soap to Wash Your Car?

Can You Use Dish Soap to Wash Your Car?

As we mentioned above, you can technically use dish soap to wash your car. However, we do not recommend using dish soap to wash your car for a few reasons:

Dish Soap is Not Designed for This

Dish soap is not designed for use on cars. Rather dish soap is designed to remove food elements, oils and grime from dishes, and while it can remove some of the dirt and grime from your car, it can also strip away the wax and protective coatings. This can make your car’s paint vulnerable to the elements.

Dish Soap is Not Effective For This Task

Dish soap is not as effective as car-specific soap. Car-specific soaps are designed to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from your car without damaging the paint or protective coatings.

It’s Difficult to Rinse

Dish soap can be difficult to rinse off completely. If dish soap is not rinsed off completely, it can leave a film on your car’s paint that can attract dirt and grime.

Should you use dish soap to wash a car?

Should you Use Dish Soap to Wash a Car

No, dish soap is not meant to be used on cars. Dish soap is made to remove grease and oils from dishes, whereas car soap is made to remove dirt from the exteriors of cars. When it comes to cleaning your car, a natural car wash or a visit to the local cash wash service is the best option.

Here’s why you shouldn’t use dish soap to wash your car also detailed resource about gas tank:

There Are Better Options Available

As for cleaning the interior of your car, there are a number of cleaning products made specifically for that purpose. You can find them at your local auto store. With so many options available, there’s no need to use dish soap.

It Can Be Harmful

Dish soap can actually damage the paint on your car if used regularly. Dish soap is designed to remove greasy substances. And while it may seem like it would be good for removing dirt and grime, it actually strips away the wax on your car’s paint, leaving it unprotected and susceptible to damage.

What happens if you use dish soap on your car?

If you use dish soap on your car, it will strip away the wax on your paint. Here’s what will happen to your car if you decide to use dish soap to wash it? Let’s see:

1. The paint on your car will become dull and faded

The dish soap will strip away the wax on your paint, leaving it unprotected and this will cause the paint to become dull and faded over time.

Your car will be more susceptible to scratches and other damage. Without the protection of wax, your car’s paint will be more susceptible to scratches, chips, and other types of damage.

If you don’t want to deal with damaged paint on your car, you should look for better alternatives.

2. Dish Soap Drys Out the Rubber and Plastics

Dish soap is designed to remove grease and oil from dishes, and it will do the same to your car. It will remove the natural oils from the rubber and plastics, causing them to become dry and brittle. This will cause the rubber and plastics to deteriorate and eventually break down.

3. Dish Soap Damages the Car’s Clear Coat

The dish soap will also remove the clear coat on your car. The clear coat is a protective layer that helps to prevent the paint from fading and becoming dull. Without the clear coat, your car’s paint will become weak and vulnerable.

4. It Will Causes Water Spots

Can You Use Dish Soap to Wash Your Car?


The dish soap will cause water spots on your car. These spots are difficult to remove and will make your car look dirty.

5. Dish Soap Makes Your Car Smell Bad

The dish soap will also make your car smell bad. The scent of the dish soap will linger in your car and will be difficult to remove.

Car wash soap alternative

By now, it should be clear to you that using your dish washing soap to clean your car might not be a great option. If you’re not willing to spend some extra cash and get your car professionally clean at the car wash facility, you’re most likely looking for other alternatives.

That’s why we’ve gathered some of the most popular car wash soap alternatives that you can find on the market. Take a look and see which one is the best fit for you!

1. Mr. Clean AutoDry Car Wash

This car wash soap alternative is one of the most popular ones on the market. Mr. Clean AutoDry Car Wash is an easy-to-use product that doesn’t require any rinsing. You just have to spray it on your car and let it dry.

2.  Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo

Adam’s Car Wash Shampoo is a high-quality car wash soap that will make your car look amazing. It’ll allow you to wash your car in full sunlight. This product will also get rid of all the dirt and add lubrication to the car’s paint.

3. Chemical Guys Honeydew Snow Foam Car Wash Soap

Chemical Guys Honeydew Snow Foam Car Wash soap that is designed to be used with a foam cannon. It can be used by both beginners as well as professionals.

4. Optimum (NR2010Q) No Rinse Wash & Wax

This one is a car wash soap that doesn’t require any rinsing. This car wash shampoo will not only clean your car and make it look shiny but also make it smell great.

Can You Use Dish Soap to Wash Inside Your Car?

Now that we’ve talked about the viability of using dish soap to wash the exterior of a car, it’s time to talk about the interior.

You can definitely clean the interior of the car using dish soap. If you find that your car’s upholstery or floor mats are looking a little grimy, mix up a dish soap and water solution and give them a good scrub.

You may need to put a little elbow grease into it, but your interior will look good as new in no time.

Furthermore, dish soap is effective at removing stains from upholstery and floor mats. If you have a tough stain that’s been bugging you for a while, dish soap may be the solution. Just make sure to thoroughly rinse the area you’ve cleaned with dish soap to avoid any soap residue being left behind.

How do you make homemade car wash soap?

In case you do not want to invest in a car wash shampoo, you can make one at home. For this, you just need a few ingredients and you have to know the process for making this solution.

Fortunately for you, this is not a very difficult task and you can easily do it. Here’s what you’ll have to do:

1. Gather the Necessary Ingredients

The first step is to gather all the required ingredients which are:

  • 1 cup of distilled water,
  • 1 cup of liquid Castile soap,
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda,
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar,
  • And 10 drops of essential oil

2. Add all the ingredients in a bucket

Once you have all the ingredients, simply add them in a bucket. Make sure that the bucket is clean and dry before you start adding the ingredients.

3. Stir all the ingredients together

Now that all the ingredients are in the bucket, it’s time to stir them together. Use a spoon or a whisk to mix all the ingredients properly.

4. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle

After stirring the solution, transfer it to a spray bottle. This will make it easier for you to use the solution.

5. Spray the solution on your car

Now that you have the car wash solution in a spray bottle, you can use it to wash your car. Simply spray the solution on your car and then use a sponge or a cloth to scrub the dirt and grime off your car.


Is Dawn dish soap good for washing cars?

While Dawn dish soap is effective at cleaning many things, it is not necessarily the best choice for washing cars. There are a variety of car-specific soaps on the market that are designed to be gentle on car finishes and provide the best possible clean.

Can I use hand soap to wash my car?

No, hand soap is not recommended for washing cars. Hand soap is designed for use on skin, not on car finishes. Car-specific soaps are a better choice for washing cars.

Can you use dawn dish soap to wash your car?

Yes, Dawn dish soap can be used to wash cars. However, it is not the best choice for washing cars because it is not specifically designed for that purpose. There are a variety of better options out there. Some eco friendly soaps & some smelling soaps are here.

What can you use instead of car wash soap?

You can use dish soap, shampoo, or laundry detergent to wash your car. Although these alternatives have some drawbacks, they can still get your car clean.

Does Dawn dish soap ruin car paint?

Yes, using dish soap on car paint will remove wax because dish soap is a degreaser. However, it will not strip all of the paint’s protective coating like a dedicated automotive paint stripper. So your paint will be more vulnerable to UV damage and contamination.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve explored the possibility and effectiveness of using dish soap to clean your car. Hopefully, now you have your answer to the question of, can you use dish soap to wash your car?

As you can see, using dish soap to wash your car can have drastic consequences and it should be avoided at all costs.

It’s much better to use a car wash soap that is designed to clean your car without damaging the paint.

We know dish soap can clean several items but can we clean bike chain with dish soap?

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